Underlying the 4Cs principle – Commit, Calculate, Cut and Communicate, Low-carbon Office Operation Programme (LOOP) offices use different innovative approaches to mobilise staff as part of the green operation initiative.
In Hong Kong, building consumes 90% of electricity1, however, it is not easy to upgrade existing infrastructure after move into a new office. This time, we have HKBN to showcase how the application of IoT (Internet of Things) in their office that helps to improve staff comfort, to get them involved in energy savings, as well to promote the concept of LIFE-work priority as advocated by the company; and the solution provider, En-trak, to further illustrate how the solution could benefit occupants’ satisfaction, savings and achieve carbon reduction with such automated intelligence. In this case, HKBN has reduced about 30% of electricity usage in their office with the IoT system, implying a reduction in carbon emissions.
Click the picture below to see the sharing from HKBN and En-trak.
Thinking to share your best practices or to go low-carbon in your operation? Contact us!
Innovative Approach for Low-Carbon Operation with Technology