Nurturing a sustainability mind-set in employees
辦公室Green Check:公司pantry 如何,公司環保也必如何 Office Green Check: Go green at pantry
Encouraging low-carbon habits
辦公室Green Check:公司環保由「紙」做起 Green Check: Cut Paper Use (no scissors needed)
Talking about management policy and carbon reduction goals
辦公室Green Check︰做人唔可以無夢想,環保唔可以無目標 Green Check: A clear green target
Zooming in on energy efficiency investment
辦公室Green Check︰冷氣唔咁凍得唔得? Green Check: Zooming in on energy efficiency investment
Exploiting opportunities for refurbishment, retrofitting and renovation
辦公室Green Check︰Office 傢俬重用又如何﹖ Green Check: Renovations? Don’t Waste the Chance
Reaching out to communities and stakeholders
辦公室Green Check︰為環保搞搞新意思 Green Check: Reaching out to communities and stakeholders
Offsetting unavoidable carbon emissions with renewable energy projects
辦公室Green Check︰補償碳排放 支持可再生能源