ESG Series: ESG Reporting Capacity Building Workshop

08 Jul, 2017

ESG Series: ESG Reporting Capacity Building Workshop

The goal of these workshops is to help you and your team manage the delivery of the ESG report.  Our workshops use an action-based learning approach consisting of five face-to-face sessions and breakout /in-company coursework.  Learning focus: 


• Comply with HKEX ESG Reporting Guide and on par with industry peers

• Understand the link of your business and the environment and natural resource

• Manage delivery of report through collaboration with in-house team or consultants

• Apply ESG reporting for real benefits, not “box-ticking” 

• Respond to appetite for green and socially responsible investing



Proceedings of the ESG seminars on 1 & 2 August 2017


I. Get the first ESG report done

HKEX has upgraded the key performance indicators (KPIs) in the “Environmental” subject area of the ESG Reporting Guide to “comply or explain”. Issuers will need to make disclosures on environmental KPIs including targets and achievement.  Click here to learn essential steps to get the first ESG report done!

II. Case study: Listed shipping companies say no to shark fin 

Shipping companies normally invest on eco-friendly ships and technology that help mitigate carbon emissions and air pollution. Why do they care about protecting shark? How do they establish “Say No to Shark Fin” policy? Here is a case study to illustrate how issuers disclose their policies on minimising the company’s significant impact on the environment and natural resources (Environmental Aspect 3).